2024 MTL Curriculum Model
Joyful Learning, Confident User
At the end of six years, we aim to help students experience the joy of learning and become confident users with a strong foundation in language competencies, appreciate their culture and traditions, as well as 21st century competencies.
Critical Thinker |
Adaptive Thinker |
Inventive Thinker |
Communicative |
Collaborative |
Informative |

Yumin's Malay Language Unit Goal
To provide quality, curated teachings as well as authentic joyful learning experience, to nurture love for the Malay language and culture, in the students.
In alignment with Yumin Primary School, Desired Student Outcomes, the Malay Language Unit develop and implemented a comprehensive and engaging approach to teaching and learning the Malay language and culture. In addition to using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools, the department also offers customised and distinctive learning experiences.

Key Programmes & Learning Experiences
READING PROGRAMME @ Program Seronok Membaca!
To promote and cultivate a love for reading, the department has initiated the Seronok Membaca! Programme. By introducing students to a variety of quality and interesting reading activities, students are more likely to engage with books and develop a lifelong habit of reading.
Mari Membaca Magazine
With a variety of reading content, colourful illustrations and an array of activities, students are always excited to flip through the Mari Membaca magazine.
Ceritera Arif Budiman Cilik
As part of the Extensive Reading Programme (ERP), the department has decided to highlight talented writers on Ceritera Arif Budiman Cilik. Besides providing the students a relatable reading experience, this online platform also motivates students to believe in their writing capability as well as giving a sense of accomplishment once they see their published work.
NLB Read@School Programme
This year, the department has invited NLB to conduct a storytelling session for the lower primary students. Not only do students get to communicate their thoughts and feelings during the interactive session, but it also encourages the use of imagination and creativity.
SPARKS PROGRAMME @ Talent Management
Arif Budiman Cilik Club (formerly known as Kelab Celik Cilik) is an enrichment programme, unique to the department. This programme focuses on students who have the talent and interest in aesthetics related to the Malay Language. By providing a variety of platforms to display their potential to the fullest, students get to widen their exposure to the Malay Language.
Showcases & Competitions |
Hari Raya Concert Performances |
Video Competition (Lensa Peribahasa) |
Storytelling Competition (Saya Boleh Bercerita) |
Writing Competition (Saya Boleh Mengarang) |
Recital Competition |
Sahibba Competition |
The Primary 4 students were given the opportunity to apply what they have learnt this year through MTLF by performing a Dikir Barat during the Hari Raya Celebrations. Through such experiences, students can better appreciate Malay culture and traditions.

STARFISH PROGRAMME @ Customised Support Programme
Yes! I Can Read! is a programme tailored to the non-Malay or slower Malay language readers. By using the 3R method (Read, Recognise and Repeat), teachers can help students to acquire the basic reading skills which will allow them to be a confident reader.

The MT Fortnight & Language Camp provides a wide range of interesting and enriching activities related to the language and culture, students are given the platform to use and deepen their knowledge of the Malay language, literature, and culture.
Some activities done before includes arts and craft such as tanjak making, learning to play the musical instruments like kompang and angklung, learning the traditional dance forms and more.

In addition to the MT Fortnight, the department has also carried our Jejak Budaya during curriculum. Organised by Pusat Bahasa Melayu Singapura (MLCS), this programme allows students to learn the different aspects of the Malay culture such as batik painting and anyaman.
With the aim to strengthen bonds among students of different races, the CCM programme is conducted to provide students with a foundation in either the Chinese or Malay language. Students are given the opportunities to learn and communicate on everyday situations in the language, as well as understand and provide responses to conversations on selected issues.
To provide an authentic learning experience, education should extend beyond the classroom. As such, the Malay Department has put together a physical herb garden along with a website. Officially launched by the School Leaders in 2022, the garden serves as an enriching learning environment for the students to explore the different types of hebs and spices.
The Malay Department teachers always ensure a positive education by paying close attention to students' emotions and engagement. Teachers are to practice discipline as well as flexibility in class.
Teachers place greater focus on praising the students' efforts in achieving achievements. This is to encourage Growth Thinking among students. By giving words of encouragement or pride in their efforts, it will instill confidence and intrinsic motivation in students.